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NVIDIA Holds 50.6% Notebook Discrete Graphics Market in Q2 2011

NVIDIA Holds 50.6% Notebook Discrete Graphics Market in Q2 2011 Created by MG1 on Aug 16, 2011

After a period of sales lead by AMD in the category of notebook discrete graphics, NVIDIA's sales grew in Q2 2011 by 8.9pp, taking it to 50.6%, making it the leader in the category by a slim margin. Analysts predict that this figure will only go up in the third quarter of 2011, as ASUS, MSI, and Clevo are scheduled to launch more GeForce 500M series based notebooks in the quarter. These include ASUS 17-inch G74SX and 15-inch G53SX, both which use GeForce GTX 560M; MSI's GT780 and GT683 based on GTX 570M, and Clevo's 17-inch X7200 that packs GTX 580M. »read more

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