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Seagate CEO talks Thailand recovery, why flash won't supplant magnetic hard drives

Seagate CEO talks Thailand recovery, why flash won't supplant magnetic hard drives Created by MG1 on Apr 17, 2012

We like to dream about the day when solid state storage will completely replace the comparatively sluggish magnetic hard drives we've been using for years, but according to Seagate CEO Steve Luczo, that idea isn't grounded in reality. Forbes sat down with the Seagate executive this week for a lengthy chat about the state of the magnetic hard drive industry, and while he admits that hard drives suffered a setback due to the Thailand floods, the sheer rate at which demand for storage is growing — over 40 percent a year — means that even magnetic media is going to have a hard time catching up even after it reaches pre-flood production levels this fall. Even with advances like Seagate's heat-ass... »read more

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Filed in: Seagate

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