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Original HTC Magic available on Canada's Rogers for $25.48/month on 1-year contract

Original HTC Magic available on Canada's Rogers for $25.48/month on 1-year contract Created by MG1 on Mar 09, 2012

Check this out. Canada’s Rogers Wireless is offering the original HTC Magic to its customers. This is a limited time offer, since only few of these will be offered to hard-core Android fanboys. I can’t imagine anyone wishing a 3-year old device these days, but what do I know. This could easily be a memorabilia item.
I’m not sure which version of Android this baby runs, but I would assume it doesn’t go beyond 2.1 Éclair.
On a sidenote, we must add that HTC has come a long way from Magic, with their modern smartphones looking way, way better. Just take a look at their new One models – all of them look fantastic, or at least I think so.
Anyway, you can check out Rogers’ HTC Magic offer from her... »read more

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