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Deja-Vu: Prototype HTC phone left at bar

Deja-Vu: Prototype HTC phone left at bar Created by MG1 on Mar 02, 2012

Obviously there’s something about bars that lead us to discover new phones. Could it be that handset testers get drunk enough to forget that the device is supposed to be incognito? Whatever the case, first it was an iPhone, but now it’s a prototype HTC phone that was left in a bar and now found.
Droid-Life snatched this never-before-seen device up in San Francisco. It has that signature HTC look to it — metal case, large wide speaker at the very top, and front-facing camera positioned to the right — and seems similar to the Droid Incredible 2 more than anything else. Oddly though, it has a semi-transparent backing, allowing one to vaguely make out its internals. Hopefully that’s just part of... »read more

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Filed in: Cell PhonesHTC

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