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Foxconn to spend $210 million on a new plant dedicated to Apple

Foxconn to spend $210 million on a new plant dedicated to Apple Created by MG2 on May 23, 2012

Apple’s iOS devices (the iPhone, the iPad, and the iPod touch) are selling at pretty ridiculous rates, and the growth isn’t slowing down either. If you look at the trends, iPhone shipment volumes grow 100% year over year every quarter. When it comes to the iPad, that figure is closer to 150%. How does Apple make all that stuff? Well, they don’t, they get Foxconn to do it for them, but you already knew that. What’s news is that Foxconn is going to blow around $210 million on a 430,000 square foot factory that’s dedicated to Apple products. Said factory will employ 35,800 employees. According to China Daily, this factory will output $1 billion of Apple products every 12 months. That sounds lik... »read more

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Filed in: Foxconn

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