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Nokia PureView technology confirmed for Lumia Windows Phone family

Nokia PureView technology confirmed for Lumia Windows Phone family Created by MG3 on Mar 06, 2012

During Nokia’s press conference at Mobile World Congress 2012, the Finnish smartphone maker introduced the Nokia 808 PureView. The handset is equipped with a jaw-dropping 41 megapixel camera, a 1.3GHz single-core processor, 512MB of RAM and the dated Symbian Belle operating system. The high resolution 41 megapixel sensor features Carl Zeiss optics and new pixel oversampling technology that allows you to zoom in without any loss of clarity when taking pictures at low resolutions. Nokia’s VP of Marketing, Jo Harlow, confirmed to Finnish newspaper Aamulehti that its PureView technology is heading to the Windows Phone mobile platform as a part of the Lumia series of smartphones. Harlow said that... »read more

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