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Operating Systems Questions & Answers

Google's next OS - Ice Cream

Posted by McLaren on Feb 17, 2011

Please share everything you know about the next version of the Android OS. As far as I know, both tablet and phone versions will be incorporated in the Ice Cream and it's expected within the next 6 months.


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Reply Level 3 2 MilanFAN on Feb 17, 2011

I don't know whether this new Android will be 2.4 Ice Cream...Rumors are different all around. Some said that the new Android will be higher version of 3.0 (e.g. 3.2 or something like that)

Reply Level 3 3 Cyrax on Feb 18, 2011

As I recall, I read somewhere that all features of the 3.0 will be present in Android OS for phones (I guess that would be 2.4 or whatever the name is) in one form or another. So it may not have the looks of 3.0, but it should have the features.

Reply Level 2 4 Konig on Feb 21, 2011

I hope that Google continues the tradition that the new Android build is faster than the previous.

Reply Level 2 5 storm13 on Feb 21, 2011

I like the latest builds (at least from what I've seen on-line).

@Konig, they will be forced to stop the tradition at some point. And as far as I've read, the android suffers from getting slow when overloaded with apps/media.

Reply Level 2 6 Agon87 on Feb 21, 2011

If you don't stop the opened application....yes it become slow, otherwise it's fast as a flash :D

Reply Level 2 7 monkeybone on Feb 22, 2011

everything becomes slow with lots of open apps, even pc's, so why should smartphones be any different? Their hardware is getting more powerful by the day, so I don't think that this is such an issue.

Reply Level 2 8 Gamester on Feb 22, 2011

And that is why Google constantly enhance their OS, so it can properly manage the hardware.

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