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How-to: Build a killer gaming PC for under $1,000

How-to: Build a killer gaming PC for under $1,000 Created by MG15 on Dec 20, 2011

Ah, the self-built PC. It wasn’t until the turn of this century that computer components were finally affordable enough for the regular Joe and Vlad to build their own, but we made up for lost time in a hurry. The insatiable appetite for newer and better hardware intermingled with the wealth of knowledge that was the internet to produce some wonderful DIY PCs. Oh sure, garish LED lights would peek out at you from some overzealous builder’s case, but at least they were a sign of the close bond shared between a machine and the human that built it.

Modern trends have threatened to leave the custom-built computer behind, what with multifunctional home consoles and constantly connected mobile de... »read more

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Filed in: Desktop Computers

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