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Some thoughts on dual-screen tablets - Kno Tablet, Toshiba Libretto

Posted by jonathan1250 on Nov 09, 2010

Just wondering how would you use one, and do you really find it good considering that for the price of one dual-screener you can get twice the power in a regular notebook. Yes, sure it looks sleek and cutting-edge but really it is just too big for a tablet, just not enough powerful for a notebook, and after all, more expensive than one (Kno dual screen - $899, Libretto - rumored to be $1099).

The Kno tablet is intended to be a student's digital replacement of the textbooks and if it's supplied with the proper software, could be a go for someone. Not for me, though.


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Reply Level 3 2 MilanFAN on Nov 09, 2010

wow, this is too much for a tablet... even it's the top of the iceberg, I'll never spend so much money for such a gadget. For $899 I'll buy textbooks for lifetime :)

Reply Level 9 3 Immortal on Nov 10, 2010

I don`t find it practical for anything then a restaurant menu :) it just looks like two ipads taped together...anyways I can`t imagine working normally on this thing

Reply Level 3 4 Golfman on Nov 11, 2010

oh man, you are going to kill me menu...are you serious...I think this gadget is pretty cool. U can browse two different sites for example, or read a newspaper without scrolling in every moment.

Reply Level 6 5 WingMan on Nov 11, 2010

At the price of a notebook you actually get a .... low end notebook. It looks like one at least. The two screens will definitely help with browsing but the frame between them destroys the user experience. I've seen a video of a samsung device whose screen actually folds in two and when opened doesn't have a frame and i still compact when closed. So IMO this is pointless. Cool, but pointless.

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